Sunday, August 19, 2007

Go Master

Christianity is a lot like the game of Go. Okay, that is a strange statement I know, but let me explain. In the game of Go, you have two types of stones, black stones and white stones. No stone is better or more powerful than any other stone. Each stone, by itself has no power at all. It takes at LEAST four stones to capture another stone. So, lets think about it. In Christ, none of us is more important in the body of Christ than anyone else. We all work together under the direction of the Master. In Go, a stones placement matters more than anything. A master Go player can place the stones exactly where they need to be to accomplish the most. Too many people look at Christianity as chess. Powerful people who have a purpose and weaker Christians like pawns who are less important and a lot of people who just watch and contribute nothing to the game, but are still on white's side and still believe they are "Christians" If we are to be on the side of light as opposed to darkness, we need to be in the game. We also need to stop looking at people as king, queen, knight, bishop, rook and pawn and start looking at each stone as equally important. So, are we letting God place us as He will, or are we rebellious stones that can cause the loss of many other stones in the game.


I-55 Games said...

That's what I'm Talkin' about Brotha! Holla!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Terry M. Goodwin said...

This is a great analogy! I have very little knowledge of Go but I know enough to make sense of this. God reinforces this concept through spiritual gifts. He uses them to add appearant value to the weaker vessels.

Leadership structures contribute to this in a big way. I have been working on restructuring the way we lead to facilitate more of this type of structure (or lack of structure). I will share it with you when I have the outline done.