Wednesday, February 17, 2010

O Lord I turn to You.
You are the rock of my foundation, the peace for my soul.
When I look at the things that trouble me, You are there pruning and growing my trust.
You take away the thistle and remove the weed.
You enrich my soul O my Lord.
You shade me from the withering heat, and give me water of abundance.
You have conquered the bug, it shall die of hunger.
My soul is lifted up to You my God, my soul is lifted up to You.
May I not cry out when you prune my branches.
Make I grow on in bravery as you remove the weed,
not seeking comfort in the weed that must be removed,
but may I turn to you and be fed with your light.
May I turn to you and soak up your great water.
Plant me in the good soil, my God, that my fruit may be multiplied.
Something that is acceptable to You and Your glory.
May I die, that the fruit of my branches can take plant and grow.
May I turn to the soul, some day, that enriches a new plant.
Use me Lord until nothing is left.
Let me be of value to You my God.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What does Christ want?

It seems that there are a lot of views of what Christ wants. Most people will not say these things are what they believe, but they will live it as if it is so. See what group you fall into by your actions.

1. The 1:42 person (because their life in Christ takes 1:42 per week) says...

All Christ wants is us to read the Bible for 5 minutes a day, pray for one minute, tithe, and go to church on Sunday.

2. The family guy says....

All Christ wants is for us to witness and work with our families. That involves a lot of work reading scripture to your family, possibly memorizing scripture and teaching the kids right from wrong.

3. The selfish guy says...

All Christ wants is for me to build my life and live better for Him. I need to memorize scripture and read my Bible a lot. I need to pray a lot to build my faith. I need people to minister to me. I would happily be under discipleship, I want someone working with me. I want to grow in Christ.

4. The knowledge guy says...

Christ wants me to know as much about Him as possible. It is important to memorize a lot of scripture and read scripture all the time. It is also important to read all the commentators and theologians to gain a deeper understanding of who Christ is. It is important for everyone to learn a little Greek and Hebrew to understand what God has said in His Word. A. Calvinism OR B. Arminianism is really important and we should argue the point every chance we get.

5. The "church" guy says...

Christ wants me to get every human being through the door of my local church. By doing so the Great Commission is fulfilled. No one except the pastor needs to actually speak to the people or share their faith. By inviting people into the building, you share your faith because people will assume you are believing what the pastor is saying. Also, it is important to go to every event or program the church has. The more involved you are in church, the better off you are with Christ.

6. God says....

You should seek first the Kingdom of God. You should submit to Jesus and accept Christ as ruler of your life. Making Christ ruler of your life will cost you everything. Every dime in your bank account. Your job. You family. Your life. Your very soul. You have to be willing to give it all away. Following Christ means people will hate you. The world will hate you. What should you do? You should go into the world and make disciples. You should teach those disciples to make disciples. You should be taking care of the widow and the orphan. You should be helping the poor. You should be rebuilding the ancient ruins. You should be declaring a favorable day of the Lord. There was never a command in scripture to bring someone to your church. Never a command to go to your church program. Certainly no command to invite an unbeliever to worship with you. A life submitted to Christ cost everything. Requires everything. Has no compromise.

So. What are you doing? Who are you following.